Baltimore City: 1940s Era
Background: It is the year 1940, and the United States has just begun to thrust itself out of the Great Depression which started in the year 1929. With tensions rising all across Europe and the Eastern Pacific, it was clear that the United States would at some point need to come to the aid of Western Europe in order to come face-to-face with the tyrannical nations of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What becomes abundantly clear is that World War II is what ultimately brought the United States out of the Great Depression. With the implementation of FDR’s fifth term, and his New Deal programs, they dramatically changed the economy and infrastructure of the United States for the better. Originally however, the United States never wanted to get involved in another war. The War, Eastward on the United State’s borders seemed to be almost a conflict of interest for the United States in that involvement in the War would only mean that the recovering economy would plummet even further. ...