Interviews in the Market

During class this past week, I was given the assigned task of going to the actual Hollins Market to try and conduct some Field Research. My individual task was specifically to go around to all the storefront owners to see if they would be willing to consent to an interview for our class project. The main goal of this interview would be to showcase their business in our Zine that we are still in the process of making and hopefully, extending the "reach" of Hollins Market to more than just the local community.

Since  most of the shop owners were of Korean ethnic origin, they inherently did not speak that much English, at least not enough for me to be able to get them to consent to an interview. However, I was able to at least establish a connection with one of the shop owners. The name of the store than consented to an interview by any one of the student in AMST 422 was Mike's Lunch. This store luckily had another worker (of Korean origin as well) that was able to understand most of what I was saying and she did in fact consent to an interview. Since I did not have the consent form with me, however, I was unable to schedule a solid time where one of us could be able to conduct this interview with her. Hopefully, we will be able to get an interview from the owner of Mike's Lunch within the next week or so.

I also am in the process of translating the Consent form in Korean since most of the shop owners only speak Korean. This is an unfortunate language barrier that we as a class need to find a way to get around so that we can feature the businesses in our class project. I have contacted various student organizations here at UMBC to try and help me with this process of translating a consent form. Hopefully I hear back from them within the next week as well.

Image result for hollins market mike's lunch

Image result for hollins market


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