Forward Progress in the Course

This past week in class has been interesting in that I think we are finalizing our research project and coming to a conclusion as to how we (as a class) should approach the Zine mapping. However, that being said, I think we need to work diligently this week as we do not have that much time before the end of the semester and before we have to submit out final product. 

Ideas: For the "present" section of the Zine, I feel as though I have a few approaches that might end up working in our favor. One approach to consider for this class would be for someone to use their artistic skills to create an attractive design that the reader will not mind reading as supplementary material for our project. Another idea that I had for the "present" section of the Zine would be to get quotes from all of the interviews that we made and features them on either the Zine map or in the electronic part of our presentation. Wikipedia defines it as "a small circulation of self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images usually reproduced via photocopier." For this Zine, I feel like the content contained within it should draw on ideas and values not covered regularly by the mainstream media. Knowing this, if we are going to make our product attractive to an audience, there are nine key tasks that we need to consider: 

1.)  Choose the format= done
2.) Decide what it's for= done 
3.) Pick the right name= done 
4.) Build a collective effort= done
5.) Decide the layout and order= done 
6.) Create a master copy (hard copy)= not finished
7.) Crunch the numbers (how much is it)= not finished
8.) Get connected (advertise on social media or word of mouth)= partly finished 
9.) Distribution (share the creation)= partly finished 


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